Sunday, January 26, 2020
Information Seeking Behavior Of Nursing Students Clinical Nurses Nursing Essay
Information Seeking Behavior Of Nursing Students Clinical Nurses Nursing Essay Objectives: this article focus on behavior of clinical nurses and nursing students when they seeking information and use information resources to get medical information and how that effect there information behavior and health sciences librarians Methods: we used questionnaire e, interview and observation o f twenty clinical nurses and twenty-three nursing students. Results: we found 14 -70 % of clinical nurses and 17-74% of nursing students browsing internet and 17 85 % of clinical nurses are daily ,and 20-78% nursing students are daily but 80% of clinical nurses do not use Database and 78% nursing students do not use Database, in other side more than 50% of both groups said library satisfy our need and 76% of clinical nurses prefer to use printed and digital resources in parallel and 81% of nursing students prefer to use printed and digital resources in parallel . Many of clinical nurses and nursing students like to communicate doctors and professors because they trust them. but in fact browsing internet is the most one used between them. Conclusions and Recommendations: 14 -70 % of clinical nurses and 20-87% nursing students are browsing internet but 80% of clinical nurses do not use Database because 45% of them do not have skills to deal with Database. for that 95% of them supported to undergo training courses to Acquire the skills for dealing with Database. an other reason that Prevents them from using is 40% of them do not have access to Medical Database. 56% of them do not have information professional help them Help them get their needs Informatics and they want them to be in their working place. Nursing students do not use Database because 43% of them do not have skills to deal with Database. for that 96% of them supported to undergo training courses to Acquire the skills for dealing with Database. an other reason that Prevents them from using is 35% of them do not have access to Medical Database. INTRODUCTION clinical nurses and nursing students are need for medical, health, specialized and accurate information to solve uncertainty or uneducated situation of their knowledge to be able to provide services for institution. clinical nurses trust their doctors and head nurse which make 8 40% of clinical nurses like to communicate with them, Nursing students trust their professors which make 9 43% of nursing students like to communicate with them. 10 50% of clinical nurses are communicated daily and 12 60% of their information need are satisfied through communication. 11 48% of nursing students are communicated daily and 14 61% of their information need are satisfied through communication. But Cheryl Dee, PhD found in his study on University of South Florida that human resources is the most one clinical nurses and nursing students use it not like our study. Due to the fact that some nursing students see their Scholastic Books Somewhat old and their field always need for new and updated information, 17 -74 % of them browsing internet and 20 87% are daily, 4 17 % of them like to bay new electronic and printed Magazines that include medical articles rated by 8 35 % monthly, 4- 20% of them attend Medical conferences and seminars rated by 10 43 % monthly. In the other hand 14 -70 % of clinical nurses browsing internet and 17 85% are daily, 4 20 % of them like to bay new electronic and printed Magazines that include medical articles rated by 7 35 % monthly, 4- 20% of them attend Medical conferences and seminars rated by 8 40 % monthly. Scientific researchers Noticed the increasing of use electronic resources, especially the Internet and electronic Database . But within that situation 80 % of clinical nurses and78% nursing students do not able to use Database because 40 % of clinical nurses and 35% of nursing students do not have access , 45 % of clinical nurses and 43% of nursing students have lack skills, 10 % of clinical nurses and 9% of nursing students said some D.B. have bad design and other reasons that appear in chart below. Table 1 Barriers of using databases Clinical nurses (n=20) Nursing students(n=23) 96% of nursing students are supported to undergo training courses to Acquire the skills for dealing with Database. With that training courses they Acquired the skills necessary to deal with D.B. in order to satisfy their information need and provide services. 44 % of clinical nurses and 40% of nursing students do not have specialized information professional to help them in satisfying their information needs. And they want information professional to be there to helping , studying and improving their information behavior. Related studies: 1-There articles Reviews of how doctors and nurses is search for on the internet are relatively rare, especially where research examines how decide whether to use Internet-based resources. Original research in the online searching behavior is also rare, particularly in real world clinical settings. as is original research into their online searching behavior. This review collates some of the existing evidence, from 1995 to 2009. There are appear to be no statistically significant differences between the reasons why doctor and nurse seek the internet .Reasons to search for information on the Internet on a large scale is the same: patient care in the first place and CPD (continuing professional development). 2- Also, There are studies observe nurse of the patterns of their on-duty information behavior. The result is Nurses Patient-Chart Cycle which describe the activities during their shifts on regular rotation between the interaction with patient and planning with patient . The behavior of nurses has changed significantly between the interactions with the planning and interaction with the patient. And focused attention on specific information of the patient. They had almost no time or opportunity to consult published sources of information while on duty. Libraries often provide nurses with information services that are based on academic models of information behavior . Is designed more clinical information systems for recording medical and legal aspects of conservation of nursing care. Understand the reality of nurses information about behavior and the on-duty may guide designers of system and libraries in the provision of more appropriate system and services. METHODS This study resulting from cooperation of a group from imam university information professionals under graduate and National Guard Hospital and Specialist Hospital and Habib health center and student in Nursing Administration, Oncology Nursing, Psychiatric Mental Care Nursing and First Aids. In all that centers and hospitals that we allayed our study on time is most major they care with, then Electronic tools and internet connection, then skills and authorization for access is importance and it was Available to them at different levels and qualities and limitations. Fact funding techniques that we use are: First: Questionnaire was for the clinical nurses and nursing students. we ask them about usage and likeability of each available resource, using Database and skills needed for that and their barriers. Second: interview with clinical nurses and nursing students to explain some cases in Questionnaire. Third: Observe clinical nurses and nursing students information behavior to help, study, improve their information behavior. RESULTS Use of specific information resources Browsing internet is the most resource used by clinical nurses and nursing students are among 8 other resources because they always want updated information. But Cheryl Dee, PhD found in his study on University of South Florida that internet is not the most used one because they believe in not every think in internet is true except format blogs. Then human resources is the second because clinical nurses and nursing students trust their doctors, professors and head nurse but usually there is no time to discussion. So that information resources is the second not the first. But in Cheryl Dee, PhD study on University of South Florida human resources is the most used one because their doctors and head nurses like to discuss and discover new fields together. Books is the third not because all clinical nurses and nursing students are like it , because some of their official Prerequisite them to read it. Where in Cheryl Dee, PhD study on University of South Florida clinical nurses and nursing students there are like to read it and extend there knowledge and they are believe in books have basics that clinical nurses and nursing students should have. Journals and conferences is fourth because some of them do not have time, others can not go and some of them do not like to bay health journals. But in Cheryl Dee, PhD study on University of South Florida clinical nurses and nursing students work on fined time to attend health conferences and they like Scientific debates and perspectives Database and personal resources is the last one because of lack skills, knowledge and accessibly. Bu in t Cheryl Dee, PhD study on University of South Florida clinical nurses and nursing students really care with Obtaining skills and raise their personal scientific ammunition. The flowing chart show rate of using each resources. Table 2 Rate of using different resources Clinical nurses (n=20) Nursing students(n=23) Electronic resource clinical nurses and nursing students have IT tools, internet connection, but major two cases control their usage of resources in time and skills. The flowing chart show rate of frequency using time of resources. Table 3 Clinical nurses and nursing students frequency of use of health information sources Related studies 1-There articles Reviews of how doctors and nurses is search for on the internet are relatively rare, especially where research examines how decide whether to use Internet-based resources. Original research in the online searching behavior is also rare, particularly in real world clinical settings. as is original research into their online searching behavior. This review collates some of the existing evidence, from 1995 to 2009. There are appear to be no statistically significant differences between the reasons why doctor and nurse seek the internet .Reasons to search for information on the Internet on a large scale is the same: patient care in the first place and CPD (continuing professional development). 2- Also, There are studies observe nurse of the patterns of their on-duty information behavior. The result is Nurses Patient-Chart Cycle which describe the activities during their shifts on regular rotation between the interaction with patient and planning with patient . The behaviour of nurses has changed significantly between the interactions with the planning and interaction with the patient. And focused attention on specific information of the patient. They had almost no time or opportunity to consult published sources of information while on duty. Libraries often provide nurses with information services that are based on academic models of information behaviour . Is designed more clinical information systems for recording medical and legal aspects of conservation of nursing care. Understand the reality of nurses information about behaviour and the on-duty may guide designers of system and libraries in the provision of more appropriate system and services. DISCUSSION Human resources: This study result that clinical nurses and nursing students use human recourses. In questionnaire , It was 60% of both groups use human resources . While 30% of nursing students use human resources at least once a week, but 35% of clinical nurses did the same. In interview, they explained why they used them?. They said consulting them ,because it is the fast way to get reliable and accurate information. But Cheryl Dee, PhD found in his study on University of South Florida that the human resources is the most resource use of both group ,because their doctors and head nurses like to discuss and discover new fields together. Also ,they believe that human resource is way to get reliable and accurate information is not like our study. Print resources: Also , this study result that clinical nurses and nursing students use print resources . In questionnaire , It was 70% of both groups based on print resources. We found 15% of clinical nurses using books daily. Only 13% of nursing students did the same. Also we found 20% of clinical nurses read the scientific journal daily. only 17% of nursing students did the same . In interview, they explained why they used print resources like human recourse. They said that because the print resource easy and convenient to access and most reliable. But Cheryl Dee, PhD found in his study on University of South Florida that the print resources is most and preferred recourse used because its provided easy and convenient access to information. Also they notice they preferred this resources because they available more than other recourses. Table 4 Barriers of using databases: Clinical nurses (n=20) Nursing students(n=23) Electronic resources: Electronic resources gives nurses update and quality information. In questionnaire, It was 70 % of clinical nurses and nursing students using electronic resources. We found 85% of clinical nurses browsing internet daily ,but 87% of nursing students did the same. Also we found 15% of clinical nurses use Database ,but 17% of nursing students did the same .In interview, they explained why they dont use database .First of all ,because some of them didnt have skills for dealing with Database. An other reason that prevents them from using it that they do not have access to medical database. The less skill nursing tend to familiar Internet resources such as search engines, rather than health information databases that is harder for them. But Cheryl Dee, PhD found in his study on University of South Florida that the use of electronic resource is less resource used because a lot of reasons. First of all, lack of computer , lack of connection to the internet, or may be they have both but do not believe that every thing in internet is true .Also, the use of databases is fairly low because lack of skilled , training, no time, or do not have subscriptions to access. Computer access: We foundà that moreà thanà 14-70%à of theà Clinical nursesà andà 17-74%à ofà Nursing studentsà preferà to useà electronic resourcesà to obtainà the informationà they needà in the medicalà field,à and providingà ease ofà connectionà to the Internet. Inà contrast,à 10%à do notà useà electronic sourcesà andà databasesà in particular,à due toà lack ofà training in theà useà of databasesà and theà lack ofà the necessary skillsà to interactà with reduced accessà toà databasesà orà scarcityà inà use. We have also notedà that manyà of theà nursesà andà nursing studentsà clinicalà use of electronic sourcesà toà retrieveà and researchà in theà medical informationà they need. Computer and database skills: perception versus reality We found that 70% of clinical nurses are using internet and 10% of them use databases, of whom 20% use e-books and magazines à And also that 47% of nursing students are using internet and 13% of them use databases, of whom 22% use e-books and magazines As we have found from the results of the questionnaire that the use of the Internet on a daily basis, as well as the use of search engines such as Google because its easy to find what youre looking for and put it is the word semantic search and extraction of topics, also found that during the interview stated that the use of the Internet is easy for themà to get the information they need and save them time .. But we find that the databases used them for a few and that because of obstacles is a lack of skills and training to the implementation of the use of databases and deal with it properly addresses the need to get the information they have.à And also through the corresponding one nurses said that has not been trained on how to use databases in the search for easily extracted to the information they need, And also 30% of the nursing students do not have enough time to search databases in fact there is disparity in the use of nursing students to the database and it depends on the previous experience of the individual if found to have previous experience in how to use the database makes it easy to use for the individual. Training needed We have stated that the participants initially reluctant to move away from simple techniques in the search on the Internet to use the features developed .. after the order initial participants worked in narrowing the search through the exercises and focused on topics of their own using limits such as language rights and magazines subsidiary, while adding addresses the Sub- . However, when participants had the research on the topics of personal noticed trainees that about 33% do not work to narrow and limit their search. has revealed the corresponding reasons for reluctance of the initial search and narrow,. The first was the strong influence of search engines on the Internet, because of inflation, the number of information The participants wish to retrieve no two groups have acknowledged in the interview that the practice of searching the database is a way to narrow the scope of the search and in addition has proved many of the stakeholders exercise training to use the database. indicated the interview that it also has a variety of reasons among nursing students and (clinical nurses) to (clinical nurses) benefit from training in order to be able to gain access to the database .. In terms of nursing students was searching the fields to get the information is not clear to them, and they do not have access to the databases after the completion of the study nursing and stated that after training on the use used in useful and beneficial. Both of these groups are keen to access the databases and access to information of high quality with increasing articles. Time factor Through the questionnaires, we found that most clinical nurses and nursing students use the internet as a major source of information on a daily basis and through interviews we found that it is because of using their advanced devices that provide Internet browsing, such as Tablet PCs (iPad) , iPhone, blackberry, etcà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ which are easy to carry and Move in each place so it save a lot of time when using it. This reinforced the earlier findings of Cheryl Dee(2005)Nurses are often busy and do not have enough time to search for information from several sources. Need for information Through interviews we found that the most of clinical nurses are usually found their information need is simple, brief answers to questions patients, and with regard to care for health and in these cases they are need only to surf the Internet medical sites to coverage a need of this type and they are in a few cases tends to use of specialized medical databases such as pubmed. This reinforced the earlier findings of Cheryl Dee (2005)nurses Information needs are few and limited to answering the questions of the patients, and health care for them. Nursing students information needs are limited to the field of their study such as the completion of the research or the specific assignment given to them Nursing students reported that they used medical research articles from quality databases for school assignments, but that they needed more concise, factual information resources that were immediately available to them for clinical patient care questions( Cheryl Dee,2005) .They are using Internet medical sites and books to coverage a need of that type. Library use Through questionnaires and interviews, we found that most clinical nurses rarely use libraries to meet their health information needs. This reinforced the earlier findings of clinical nurses with no access to healthrelated libraries at work did not seek out other health sciences libraries for research( Cheryl Dee,2005) . Nursing students tends to use of health libraries frequently as necessary to complete the medical research they are required to complete it in the field of their studies. In contrast nursing students made minimal use of the health sciences library( Cheryl Dee,2005) CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, we found the results from this study that small-scale human and print resources (print resources) are still preferable to electronic sources of health information for patient care. Has made it clear both nursing students and nurses during my meeting with them the reason for the preference is for ease of use, and that input on the spot to gain access to sources of documented health information, and nursing students arrive to the many sources of health information of high quality, but they tend to use two documents to easily access and awareness of the sources and content. and also nurses have had limited opportunities to obtain health information and rely on their own experiences and to colleagues and story books in the patients they have. This continued popularity of books being sources for patient care to all participants, because the books provide immediate access to summary information. However quickly become outdated The e-books are to meet this need. Both of nursi ng students and nurses needed to improve their information management skills, particularly their database to search for skills. In this study, advanced search skills, was derived mainly from the Internet and as a result, they need more training in the use of unique data base such as research, the determinants and subject headings. RECOMMENDATIONS They recommend the training of health sciences librarians to provide information about libraries and library services to meet the Many medical and educational needs of nursing students and nurses. Can be submitted through their lessons documented in libraries during the most recent sources of information, especially health care (NLMs Pub Med, Medline Plus, TOXNET, and NCIs database) As well as lessons in basic skills to use the computer for the preparation of nurses have the ability to search the database. Consequently, the means of health care to make these resources available appropriately to stories of patients and supervisors must Nursing to encourage nurses to take the advice to go and look at the sources of health care of patients both from the Academy for health sciences librarians and hospitals provide, with time, these libraries in aid of nurses, as well as making a database of Health Sciences New or provide a database for the renewal of information and answer questions in the search features in the database, that belongs to them benefit would therefore be training on the increased visibility of the library and evidence on the ability of Library to meet the needs of the nurses health information. Also recommend the provision of reference books on the floors of patients to nursing supervisors personally, because the supervisors have little time left pati ents floors then your order in time and little to offer them information in the pamphlets. Our interviews revealed in this study, nurses look on the supervisors were not encouraging them to search themselves and their superiors did not participate in the search by using the available literature. Getting information to patients and floors can talk with supervisors be the first step in raising the awareness of supervisors and interest in the library. It seemed to the participants in this study are eager for more access to information of patient care, more training database, and improve computer skills. Health Sciences Libraries opportunity to help meet the information needs of nurses and to help improve their knowledge.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Unit 12 – Public Health – Task 1
During the 1800ââ¬â¢s the overall health of the public was extremely poor, children and babies were dying in their thousands, and adults would work in the most horrific of conditions. Families of 8 or 9 would live in 1 room where they all slept, ate and washed if they had the water to, the sewage was all over the place as there was no proper sewage lines, People had to bath in the same water they urinated in, they also had to drink this dirty water as it was the only water they had access to.The working conditions were even worse as some people had to work in bare feet when there was sewage covering their toes, there was no health and safety regulation acts so people would have accidents every day and they would breathe in the most dangerous chemicals while working in large factories such as the cotton factory. Children as young as 8 were in work to earn clothes and food for themselves and to have a bed to sleep in at night instead of the waste covered floor. Most families were se nt to a work house where they worked 12-14 hour shifts in order to gain clothes, food and a bed to sleep in for the night.The families would be separated into men, women and children and they would work in different areas of the factory doing different jobs such as splitting ropes or breaking rocks, while living in the workhouse each family that were separated would have no access to their family members and birthdays werenââ¬â¢t even thought about because no births and deaths were recorded so the mothers and fathers would forget when they had their child and the child would be too young to know the date of its birthday.Most people would have died in the workhouse because they would be worked hard every day and some people would have accidents with the machinery and as there was no medical services the people would die of loss of blood or their wounds would get infected and they would have died of an infectious disease. As there was no medical service random women who had no trai ning or have no idea about how to deliver babies would help pregnant women give birth to their children and they would use all sorts of random equipment to cut the umbilical cord and some women even used their teeth as there was nothing sharp enough to cut it.During these times there were loads of diseases that would develop because of the lack of medical service, clean water and access to proper foods. The most common disease was cholera which would kill a house full of people within a couple of days and it would spread to the next family and kill them or make them very ill which would eventually kill them as there was no cure or medicine they could get hold so because of cholera people would die in there thousands as it was a very nasty disease.A scientist called Edward Chadwick was the first person to make a vaccine against cholera, he did this by injecting babies and children with a small amount of the disease along with some antibodies so the body could produce the right antibo dies to fight the disease and leave the child with immunity from cholera. The first act to come to power was the Public Health Act which came out in 1848. This man called John snow was the first person to make the connection between poor living conditions, such as dirty water, and the rise on disease.After this conclusion vaccinations were first created and used to get rid of smallpox. The next act to come into power was the midwifes act at in 1902 which came with the registration of midwifes act as well, both of these acts together ensured that women were trained in delivering babies and they were put on a register so doctors knew who were midwifes so they could send someone to assist in the birth process.Due to this a lot of babies were successfully born and they stayed alive for a lot longer as there was proper midwifes to aid the birth and make sure the umbilical cord was cut correctly using the proper equipment. After this was created the Central board of midwifes was made, thi s ensured that all people that were trained as midwifes due to the midwife act was registered with the central board. In 1904 there was an interdepartmental survey on physical deterioration which was used to find out the health of the population.Shortly after that the education act came out in 1906 which ensured that children go to school and get an education, it also brought out school meals where each child would get a hot meal and sometimes it will be the only hot meal they get that day. After that another education act came out in 1907 this ensured that schools had medical services which included a nit nurse who would check the children regulary for head lice. The school nurse would also be responsible for checking the children for signs of disease and illness.During that time the notification of births act came out which meant that each baby had to be registered after birth so the government can keep track of the population and it also was the start of the health visiting servi ce, this was created because the government had no idea how many births and deaths there were so they couldnââ¬â¢t plan medical treatments or build hospitals. So this was created so the government can keep track of ow the population was growing and what percentage of people were dying so they could try and fix the problems people were having. In 1911 the national insurance act came out which gave workers health insurance this would be paid for by the government taking some of their money from their pay cheques. Seven years later the emergency medical services act came in to power in 1918, this meant that there was an emergency service for people who need urgent medical care, this was the start of proper medical care.This came out because people who were in wold war one needed emergency care after being attacked. They needed emergency care to make sure the soldiers were looked after properly and injuries were checked and properly treated to stop them becoming infected and to stop soldiers dying. After a few years another emergency medical service act came out in 1940, this was introduced due to the war because people were getting injured and needed urgent medical care, so it was introduced to help the soldiers in need.After that was put into place the nation health service was born. In 1942 the nation health service was introduced to give people free health care and free health services such as dentistry. These services were free to anybody which meant that health problems could be dealt with properly. Doctors surgeries where built in most areas so people had a place to go, hospitals were also built in most busy areas around the country so people had a place to go when they had an emergency or if they needed to see a specialist doctor.In 1991 the national health service and community care act came out, this meant that there was more free doctors, more free hospitals around the country and there was new self-remedies to treat problems, for example people used salt bags to treat ear ache and brown paper and goose fat to treat chest infections. During the 20th century there were a number of papers/reports that came out which discussed what needed to be done and what is being done to help the country become healthier.The first report to come out was a report about rationalising, this was important because the country was in World War 2. The report was made to tell people that every day or one day a week they would be able collect certain food items and certain weights or quantities, this then made people healthier because they had what they needed to have a balanced diet and they werenââ¬â¢t allowed any different food which will make them unhealthy, it also allowed each person to have the same foods so they were all able to keep healthy and they were able to control how the nation te, which would make them healthier and stopping some of the health problems they were facing such as malnutrition. After that the Beveridge report came out i n 1942 which decided that there should be free health care for everybody. This meant that the working class had to pay taxes for the nation to get the free health care. At first there was free health care, free dental care and free glasses to everyone who needed them but after a while the government decided to put charged on dental care and glasses because they couldnââ¬â¢t afford to pay them.In 1980 the black report came out which was a paper concentrated on the differences in mortality rates and there was data on morbidity and health in a more positive perspective. In 1998 the Acheson report came out which explained that there were environmental factors that contributed to the health of people, for example the damp living conditions of the lower class can cause their children to develop asthma.After that in 1999 there was a paper released called Our Healthier Nation, which explained that there was a rise in cancers, aids, disease and mental health problems due to the environmen t, the paper also had recommendations the government could do to reduce the rise of people who have disease, cancers and mental health problems. In 2004 a paper came out which was called choosing health and making healthier choices which talked about people making healthier choices in food, cutting down on drinking and it also encouraged people to become more independent in being healthier.There has been a lot of changes in legislation relating to the health of the nation because over the years the health of people has changed and the diseases they are treating now are a lot different to what they are now, for example, back in the 1900ââ¬â¢s the government had to deal with the mortality rate of babies and young children, but now the government are working on keeping the elderly and adults healthy and getting rid of cancers and other disorders.In the 1800ââ¬â¢s the health of the nation was pretty poor because the living conditions were bad and there was no medical treatment or help available so many people died due to disease caused by dirty water, damp housing, cramp rooms and sewage waste. There were also a lot of babies dying due to polio and TB, whereas now a days there are vaccinations for them. Over the years health care has developed and the health of the nation has changed.We now have life support machines, x-ray machines and more advanced technology so we can keep babies alive, get rid of certain disease and we also have the scientific research and technology to create vaccines to make babies and young people immune to the diseases that killed most people in the 18-1900ââ¬â¢s. This would mean that people are now healthier compared to the 1800ââ¬â¢s.Over these years the infant mortality rate had dropped but the percentage of the population that smoke and drink are now much higher in most areas, so even though the government have tackled some problems that arose in the 19th century, they still have problems to tackle now which have developed through the second half of the 20th century. Infant death in the 1800ââ¬â¢s was caused by diseases such as rubella and tuberculosis, whereas smoking and drinking cause further health problems that the government need to help tackle and reduce the number of cases.Smoking can cause, lung cancer, mouth cancer and even throat cancer. These problems can now be treated with chemotherapy or radiation to shop them spreading and to fight the cancer. If these issues where to be recognised in the 1800ââ¬â¢s then they wouldnââ¬â¢t be able to do much about it and they would have left the patient to die because they had no proper technology to treat them and they didnââ¬â¢t have the scientific studies to show that the use of radiation can stop the cancer and in some cases cure it.So basically even though some problems have been tackled that were major issues in the 1800ââ¬â¢s the government canââ¬â¢t say with 100% guarantee that the health of the nation is better because even th ough infant death rate has dropped quite a bit over the 20th century, and the life expectancy has increased by 30 years or so, the government still have problems to sort out that have developed during the 21st century, for example, the number of obese people in the UK had risen.In relation to the problems in the 19th century, then the government can say that as a nation we are healthier, but they can only relate it to the issues that was going on in that times, for example, the number of babies with tuberculosis has dropped and it is now at a normal rate, whereas babies were dying in there thousands in the 19th century. That could be used to explain that we are now healthier than when we were in the 1800ââ¬â¢s. This is because of scientific research, technology and proper training of staff members in hospitals and doctors surgeries.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Poems with Theme with Life and Death and Their Analysis
EI WAI KHAING AN ANALYSIS OF THEMES ON LIFE AND DEATH OF SOME POEMS Abstract: Some basic elements of poem and types of poem are included in this paper. Although there are countless number of poems on Life and Death, only the ones which seem noteworthy are studied and analysed in terms of themes. Different opinions of different poets on life and death found in their poems are also presented and contrasted in this paper. This paper will be of use and help to the learners of English. Introduction: To many, Death creates uncertainty and fear. It seems we shall never meet again. But the poets remind us of the essential truths of life, death andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦It is never to tell them something they dont know, but something they know and hadnt thought of saying.â⬠When poets speak the truth to the best of their ability, they are trying to enlighten, teach, warn, or adviseââ¬âsometimes all four at once. Examples aboundââ¬âfrom the ancient world to the presentââ¬âof poems that undertake these goals. Literature Review / Background: One important thing is that as readers get more and more involved with literary study they want to know about the life and personalities of the authors they read. Biographical and, autobiographical explorations are helpful and illuminatingââ¬â as are the personal statements an author makes about his or her life and work in prefaces, letters, journals, notebooks, and critical writingsââ¬â and they can tell us a great deal about the author, the times in which he lived and wrote, and the relationship between the author and the work. They can also tell us something about the authorââ¬â¢s intentions. Although there is a great and natural temptation to take the author at his word, conclusions about theme that are erected on the authorââ¬â¢s own statement need careful evaluation. Hence, biographies of some famous/well-known poets, along with their poems, are presented in this paper. Some basic elements of poem and types of poem are included. Structures: A poem isShow MoreRelatedThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost And Death, Be Not Proud798 Words à |à 4 PagesComposition 22 April 2015 Poetic Analysis ââ¬Å"The Road Not Takenâ⬠by Robert Frost and ââ¬Å"Death, be not proudâ⬠by John Donne are two poems with different meanings but share one of many of the same themes. Although the poems share different meanings as a whole, the reader can conclude the same common theme from both of these poems. Even though the reader may think the poems lack a same common theme, the theme is revealed by the end of both these poems. These two poems share the same theme of hopes and dreams. 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Born in London, England on October 31, 1795, Keats suffered a tragic childhood after he became an orphan at the age of eight. The death his father left him without a reliable mother because after her husbandââ¬â¢s death, Keatsââ¬â¢s mother remarried and spentRead MoreDeath Is Death And The Idea Of Death1290 Words à |à 6 PagesThroughout American literature there are several themes that one can find and explore. All you must do is to look and interpret what you are reading. One such theme is death and the idea of death. Death has always been in the collective conscious of Americans because, it is, well, inevitable. It is most certainly coming for each and every one and is inescapable. A common phrase in todayââ¬â¢s culture is ââ¬Å"only two things are certain in this world; death and taxes.â⬠Death has always stirred mysticism and aversionRead MoreBecause I Could Not Stop for Death1444 Words à |à 6 Pagesstop for Death In Emily Dickinsons poem Because I could not stop for Death the main theme seems to be the acceptance of Death. Emily gives reference to the theme by using death in the first line. The poem is unique and interesting because she presents Death in a different way by referring to it as an escort taking her on a journey towards eternity rather than making it seem like something frightening. Each stanza of the poem breaks down the journey through the stages of her life that leadsRead More Emily Dickinson - Her Life and Poetry Essay627 Words à |à 3 PagesEmily Dickinson - Her Life and Poetry Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was born December 10, 1830, into an influential family in Amherst, Massachusetts. Her father helped found Amherst College, where Emily later attended between 1840 and 1846. She never married and died in the house where she was born on May 15, 1886. Emily Dickinsonââ¬â¢s reclusive life was arguably a result of her proposed bi-polar disorder. This life and disorder unduly influenced the themes of her poetry. She chose notRead MoreResentment towards God in the Religous Poem, Tenebrae751 Words à |à 3 Pagesthe religious poem that allow his emotions to be portrayed in an understandable manner. One may identify death and a sense of closeness as the major motifs along with drinking and prayer as minor motifs Celan used to portray his dark emotions. With the use of effective motifs, the key element of role reversal, and an angered tone, Celan gets his warning to God. The poem is spoken through humans towards God, with an evident theme of death that is demonstrated throughout the poem. Death is shown throughRead MoreThe Winter Evening Settles Down Poem Analysis918 Words à |à 4 Pagesthe text and to convey the message or theme of the literature in a clearer manner. The combination of the right words and imagery substantially contributes to the communication of the theme of the piece of literature. How Word Choice and Imagery Contribute to the Themes of Works In the poem The Winter Evening Settles Down, imagery is one of the descriptive styles that T.S. Elliot employs to convey the theme of the poem. The first instance of imagery in the poem is in the description of the winterRead MoreShakespeare s Sonnets : Reoccurring Themes1479 Words à |à 6 Pagesââ¬Å"Parting is Such Sweet Sorrowâ⬠: Reoccurring themes in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Sonnets. English poet William Shakespeare is known for his astounding works around the world. Sonnets are beautifully constructed and rear lasting truths about the world we live in. All of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s sonnets are in the form of an English sonnet. He used this method so frequently that it has coined the term the Shakspearian sonnet. Shakespeare has written a collection of 154 sonnetsââ¬â¢, the first 126 sonnets address a young manRead MoreTennyson Close Analysis1597 Words à |à 7 Pagesï » ¿ English Close Reading Analysis The poem Mariana by Alfred, Lord Tennyson was published in 1830 and is the text I have chosen to do closely analyze. The subject matter of the poem was taken from one of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s plays titled ââ¬Å"Measure for Measureâ⬠, and the line: ââ¬Å"Mariana in the moated grange,â⬠gave Tennyson the inspiration to write of a young woman waiting for her lover. The two texts share a common theme of abandonment, as in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s play the young woman is also diligently awaiting
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay on Corruption Culture in Pakistan - 2067 Words
Corruption is the misuse of entrusted power for private gains. It is of different types e.g. petty, grand and political. The petty corruption is usually linked with the lower salary employees and generally considered as facilitating payments, whereas, the grand corruption is associated with the high level bureaucracy. However, the political corruption as name indicates is related to the politician. They usually involve in this type corruption in order to maintain their status quo. The corruption varies in the rate of presence, therefore, in this regard the incidence of corruption may be rare, widespread or systemic. The rare corruption is easy to identify and control than widespread. Whereas, the systemic corruption becomes a way of lifeâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The corruption which is not deeply rooted in the entire edifice of the government known as rare corruption. Further, it is easy to detect and control, and the culprit can easily be punished, whereas, the corruption which is permeated in all the sphere of life is called as widespread corruption, and it is difficult to detect and control. However, in case of systemic corruption, it becomes the way of life and it is very difficult to overcome. In Pakistan the prevalent corruption is perceived as widespread and systemic. It has deeply ingrained in society and government at all levels. Islam is the religion of high values and ethics and strongly condemns the corruption in all its forms. Islam provides complete code of life. It is replete with moral standards, ethics, values and norms of behavior which facilitates the Muslims to run the daily affairs of personal, professional and business life in more disciplined way. Islam condemns the corruption in its every form i.e. bribery, unlawful hoarding and earning, extortion, embezzlement. Hazart Muhammad (PBUH) said about the hoarding; ââ¬Å"Whoever withholds cereals that may become scarce and dear is a sinnerâ⬠(Mishkat-12:8) Furthermore, Islam lays great importance on the lawful earning. Hazart Muhammad said in this context; ââ¬Å"Earning of lawful livelihood is a duty only next to importance to the duty (of prayers)â⬠Quaid-i-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the staunch opponent of the corruption. He advocated the policyShow MoreRelatedList of Important Topics for Essays1583 Words à |à 7 PagesLIST OF IMPORTANT TOPICS FOR ESSAYS It is the list of those essays which has been asked in previous css exams and intend to b most important. By practicing those essays u can achieve robust grip in essay. the following essays may not repeat but surely play crucial role to enlarge idea that how a css essay paper formatted. 01. Dilemma of the water and energy crisis in Pakistan (2003) 02. Art critics and reviewers (2003) 03. Alleviation of poverty (2005) 04. 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