Friday, March 20, 2020

Women in Afghanistan Essays

Women in Afghanistan Essays Women in Afghanistan Essay Women in Afghanistan Essay In the Afghan world today, especially in Kabul, the Taliban government has a strong and terrible influence on everyone living there. The Taliban are a Muslim fundamentalist group that took control over the government from 1996 until 2001. They enforced many unrealistic rules that caused many hardships for men and women. Many countries have stepped in to try bringing peace to Afghanistan. The Taliban had control of over 90% of the population until countries came together to stop them. They now, only control about 54 percent, which is a big difference from earlier on. There is a lot of irreversible damage that has been done, affecting the way the country and the people live today. The entire population of Kabul is in a constant state of traumatisation from the actions of the Taliban. The Taliban have made life a living nightmare for practically all women. Everyone who has not been disturbed by the sickening actions of the Taliban has lost all morals and sense of their Islamic religion. The Taliban have turned the once peaceful land of Kabul, and all Afghanistan, into a perpetual terrorist warzone. The economy in Afghanistan was greatly affected by the Taliban. The rules they created caused many restrictions on jobs and the overall lifestyle of those living in Afghanistan. One of the biggest changes seen in Afghanistan is the effect the Taliban had on the economy. The Taliban have caused the economy to drop drastically and force many people into poverty. The economy is greatly affected because of the restrictions put on women. They are no longer allowed to be in public, unless they are with a close male relative. This has forced many women to quit their jobs because they do not want to risk being seen alone in public. The punishment for being in public without a male escort could result in many cruel things; beatings, public executions, and other harsh punishments. Before the Taliban, women had many opportunities to gain an education so they were able to support themselves. Prior to the Taliban’s arrival, women in Afghanistan were educated and employed: 50% of the students and 60% of the teachers at Kabul University were women, and 70% of school teachers, 50% of civilian government workers, and 40% of doctors in Kabul were women. ( hazara. net/taliban/taliban. tml) The Taliban eliminated the opportunities women have to receive an education and learn a practice. Before the Taliban rein, more than half of the people becoming educated were women. This gravely affected the lives of women. Women had careers and were able to get an education, until the Taliban came and took over the country. They were stripped of these rights and many were no longer able to support their family, forcing them to g o hungry and become affected by poverty. When the Taliban took all of the educational opportunities away for women, the country lost a lot of doctors, nurses, teachers, government workers and more. No longer were there enough doctors to treat the sick. Many men were unable to gain an education because there were not enough teachers to instruct them. Afghanistan’s economy was becoming worse and it would take many years and the help of many other countries to help revive Afghanistan. During the Taliban reign, there was a very poor judicial system run by the members of the Taliban. The Afghanistan judicial system allowed for many cruel activities and punishments to take place. The Taliban officers had the right to do anything and if anyone disagreed with them, they could decide how they wished to punish them. This frightened many people, causing numbers and numbers of them so stay in their houses to avoid all contact with the government, making it very difficult for families to hold jobs and supply the family with food and the necessities. The Taliban officers were able to kill a person, even if they did not have a legit reason. If they did not feel respected, they could arrange a punishment. Many men and women were killed because they did not follow the rules of the Taliban. Children would be left to take care of themselves, many of which became orphans. The orphans were not able to support themselves; they would live on the streets and grow up uneducated. The United Nations studied Afghanistan and discovered many interesting things. A few years ago, the United Nations estimated that there are 500,000 disabled orphans in Afghanistan, a country with no economy, no food. There are millions of widows. Journalists witness scenes of utter tragedy, virtually every wall, every building; every landmark had been hit by shells in the big cities. One would be shocked and in disbelief over the magnitude of the devastation. ( salaam. o. uk/themeofthemonth/december01_index. php? l=8) Afghanistan is filled with orphans and widows, unable to support themselves. People are left wandering streets trying to find food and water so they can survive until the next morning. Almost all the buildings have been destroyed, leaving people homeless; forcing them to live on the streets or in tents near abandoned buildings. There are many witnesses that have seen the changes in the economy before and after the Taliban reign. The Taliban government have made a large affect on the Afghanistan economy, causing it to worsen. The violence and destruction the Taliban evoked, turned away tourism and trade from the country. Tourists were afraid and still are afraid, to visit Afghanistan because it is so chaotic. It has become a very dangerous place to go because of the landmines that are embedded in the earth, unable to be seen. â€Å"One in every ten land mines in the world is littered in Afghanistan, claiming an average of 25 victims a day. † ( salaam. co. uk/themeofthemonth/december01_index. php? l=8) The landmines take lives when least expected. One step in the wrong direction and it is all over. This fact scares people and makes it easy for them to pick a different tourist place, other than Afghanistan. Tourists are more interested in visiting a country they know is safe and free of landmines. The economy has also been affected by the violence and destruction because Afghanistan has lost some of their trades. The main resource they trade is opium. Because of the rule, many countries do not want to risk the danger of going into the country, so they trade with countries other than Afghanistan, if possible. Afghanistan lost tourism and trade, contributing to the loss of the economy. Afghanistan’s economy was becoming worse and it would take many years and the help of many countries, to help revive it. The restrictions on women, the violence and cruelty toward people, an unjust judicial system, and the loss of trade and tourism have caused the economy in Afghanistan to plummet into a downward spiral. The people are left in a constant state of fear and unknowing. They have built a living nightmare for the women of their country. Those who haven’t been perpetually disturbed by their actions have joined in on the insanity. The Taliban have turned a formerly stable country into one of instability and destruction.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Using the French Expression Oh là là

Using the French Expression Oh l l The French phrase oh l l isnt so much an expression as an interjection. It can indicate surprise, disappointment, commiseration, distress, or annoyance. The phrase is used to express any moderately strong reaction to something that was just said or done, for example: Oh l l ! Jai oublià © mon portefeuille! Oh no, I forgot my wallet! You can strengthen the phrase by adding more  ls, but you need to do so in pairs. Using and Misusing Oh l l A native French speaker might use the expression as follows. Suppose this person is passing through Charles de Gaulle Airport, which is near Paris. Imagine that the man is looking at souvenirs and knocks over a small Eiffel Tower made of glass, causing it to shatter. He might exclaim: Oh l  l l  l l  l!  (Note how he inserted four extra  ls- two pairs of two- to heighten his expression of annoyance or mortification.) Another example might be a French native speaker playing poker. Suppose the card player draws an ace to give her four aces, generally a winning hand. She might use the phrase as follows:   Oh l l l l ! (a beat) l l! Note that in English, this expression is often used in to talk about something risquà ©. It tends to be misspelled in these occurrences and mispronounced as ooh la la. It is also usually said fairly slowly and with the first word comically elongated. That is not the way to use the expression correctly in French. Pronouncing and Defining Oh l l Click the link for [o la la] to bring up a sound file that will let you hear how to correctly pronounce the phrase. Click the link a couple of times, listen carefully, and then repeat the saying until you are able to pronounce it correctly. Though the phrase does, indeed, translate as Oh dear, Oh my, or Oh no, its literal translation is Oh there, there. That would make little sense in English, hence the generally accepted, and more emotional, translations. Using  Oh l l in Conversation According to The Local, there are many ways to correctly use this versatile interjection: For example, you show someone your new ring and they say, Oh l l cest trop jolie!  (Oh my god it’s so pretty!) It is high, light and happy. The Stockholm-based website devoted to European languages and culture, including French, warns that you should not use the phrase for particularly negative situations, such as  a car barreling  through a pedestrian crossing nearly knocking  you over, a biker ringing his bell at you, or someone cutting in front of you in line at the grocery store. There are other  French phrases  that are more appropriate for those kinds of situations. But the expressive phrase is really a useful one to employ if you are visiting France: (There are) moments when Oh l l l l l l  is really the only way you can express your frustration/anger/hanger (hunger anger). It is satisfying. If you live in Paris long enough, says the website, it will become an automatic part of your vocabulary, adding that at this the point, youll know youre really turning Parisian.